The Evolution Of Cartoon Dads
A Year-by-Year Guide to Different Generations and Their Personalities (Parent - 2022)
This article was the main inspiration for the first half of the video.
Divorce rates increased after 1970 – in recent decades the trends very much differ between countries (OurWorldInData)
The Rise in Dual Income Households (Pew Research Center - 2015)
Parenting Trends By Generation (Ohio Health Blog)
‘Making up games is more important than you think’: why Bluey is a font of parenting wisdom (The Conversation - 2019)
The Relationship Between Causal Learning And Pretend Play (American Journal Of Play - 2013)
The Magic Of Play: Low-Income Mothers' And Fathers' Playfulness And Children's Emotion Regulation and Vocabulary Skills (Wiley Online Library - 2017)
The Relationship Between Young Children’s Language Abilities, Creativity, Play, And Storytelling (Taylor & Francis Online - 2017)
New Study Confirms Dads Need To Be More Like Bandit When Playing With Kids (The Father Hood - 2020)
Kids’ cartoon Bluey criticised for not having ‘disabled, queer, poor, gender diverse or dogs of colour’ (PinkNews - 2021)
Bluey: How ‘tweaking’ the voices of child actors saved the CBeebies animated TV series (i News - 2022)
What is Free Range Parenting, and Why is It Controversial? (Parents - 2019)
Parents investigated for neglect after letting kids walk home alone (Washington Post - 2015)
Why I Let My 9-Year-Old Ride the Subway Alone (NY Sun - 2008)
Hollywood’s hot new trend: Parents who say they’re sorry (Vox - 2022)
What Bluey, the best show on TV, taught me about fatherhood (GQ - 2022)
The cult of Bluey: how a kids’ cartoon became a bible for modern parenting (The Guardian - 2022)
What parents can keep learning from Bluey (ABC Everyday - 2020)