The Search For Pixar's Lost Easter Egg
The Incredibles
Lee Unkrich Twitter (2010)
The Pizza Planet truck is not in The Incredibles.
Brad Bird Addresses The Missing Pizza Planet Truck In 'The Incredibles' (Huffingting Post - 2015)
While discussing Bird's upcoming sci-fi adventure "Tomorrowland," we asked Bird why the truck seemingly never appears in his animated film. "Oh, is that right?" he said. "I don’t know. I was busy making the movie. I didn’t think about the Pizza Planet, so I would not be surprised if it was not in there and I would not be surprised if somebody got it in there when they were building the sets."
Is Pixar's Pizza Truck In The Incredibles Or Not? Here's What Brad Bird Says (CinemaBlend - 2015)
It should be noted that while no Pizza Planet truck is clearly visible in The Incredibles, there are some who think that think the folks at Pixar did sneak one of the yellow pickups into the film. Specifically, it's theorized by some that it can be seen while Frozone and Dash are teaming up in the final battle
Suspected pizza planet truck in the incredibles (Pixar.Fandom)
Incredibles. You are welcome! (FunnyJunk)
A special "Where's WALL-E" edition of Why For? (Jim Hill Media/ - 2007)
Which brings us to "The Incredibles." Brad Bird's very first feature for Pixar Animation Studios. Given that Brad was something of an outsider when he first arrived in Emeryville, he didn't automatically buy into all of Pixar's oddball traditions. Which is why -- when it came time to insert that obligatory Pizza Planet truck cameo into his picture -- Bird made it part of the Parrs' high speed return to the city aboard that badly battered RV ...
... Which is why all you really get to see of the Pizza Planet truck in "The Incredibles" is a pale blur.
Pixar Planet Truck Location? (Pixar Planet - 2007)
If you go back to Bernie Kropp’s black and white video again in chapter/scene 4 in the classroom above the students, there is an alphabet letter chart on top of the wall Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg?(covered by light fixture) Jj and the letters PIZA at the end of the chart. You can see a globe or a planet behind Dash in the classroom in the video.
During the production of the video, the Pixar Planet forums went down. So we lost access to the original post and we were not able give proper credit to the forum user, Rey, for this theory. We had to use an capture of one of the forum pages in the video edit.
I may have found the Incredibles pizza planet truck. Look in the clouds. (reddit - 2020)
City Map (re. Omnidroid battle)
Other Easter Eggs
Elemental: 14 Easter Eggs & Pixar References (ScreenRant - 2023)
8 Classic Pixar Easter Eggs In 'Lightyear' (And TWO That Were Missing!) (Collider - 2022)
"Turning Red" Has Some Pretty Perfect Details Hidden Throughout, So Here Are 41 I Spotted While Watching (BuzzFeed - 2022)
The Entire Pixar Theory Timeline Explained (Looper - 2023)
[UPDATED]: This Is Definitely The Pizza Planet Truck Easter Egg Hidden In 'The Good Dinosaur' (SlashFilm - 2016)
Pixar Twitter (2016)
Confirms there are two Pizza Planet Trucks in The Good Dinosaur
List of recycled animation in Disney movies (Disney Fandom)
Toy Story
Chuck E. Cheese
Toy Story at Twenty (SFO Museum - 2015)
“We suddenly realized, we’ve got a delusional astronaut, so why not make the restaurant a place he mistakes for a spaceport? It seems too obvious now, such a natural link with the with the rest of the story, it’s hard to believe Pizza Planet was an eleventh-hour change.
Andrew Stanton, story co-creator
Watch John Lasseter Explain The Origins Of Buzz Lightyear (CinemaBlend/ - 2009)
The Creation and Evolution of Buzz Lightyear by Pixar (Disney Rewards - 2022)
A Bugs Life
Pixar Animation Studios Professional Work (Glenn Kim - GlennzArt)
Art Of A Bug’s Life (Character Design References - 2017)
Toy Story 2
‘The Pixar Touch’ (New York Times - 2008)
The Pixar Touch : The Making Of A Company ( - 2008)
The film reused digital elements from Toy Story , the making of which had left behind a kind of digital backlot. The company’s prevailing culture of perfectionism meant that it reused less of Toy Story than might be expected, however. The character models looked the same, but received major upgrades internally.